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2017: The Year of the New You

Tis the season to make a change! The new year is a time for new beginnings and starting over. For some people this means making New Year’s resolutions! However, while making the resolutions is pretty easy, actually following through on those resolutions can be a little bit harder. So, take a moment to write yourself a list. It can be a page or a sticky note. Whatever you write down, just make sure you take steps to achieve it!

Here are some ideas, if you’re having trouble coming up with resolutions:

1. Take Time to Unwind

For some people, it can be hard to just let loose a little. Learning to unwind is difficult when you’re used to always being on the go at all times. Take a step back for a moment just let it all go. Grab yourself a steaming cup of hot chocolate, and head to your swing. It’s the perfect place to quiet your mind and just be in the present. The chilly air will help clear your mind and the hot chocolate will keep you warmed up.

2. Upgrade Yourself

With everything going on at home and at work and in your social life, it’s hard to remember to leave time for yourself. There was always that one skill you wanted to pick up like speaking Spanish, playing the guitar, or completing your degree. There’s just never any time to do it! What you need is a space all to yourself. A redone shed or barn is a great place to hide out and focus on self improvement. (Check out our blog on she-sheds to learn how to get it just the way you like it.) The next time you need to escape, head out into the backyard to your own private space and get to work! See our selection of barns and sheds here to find the perfect structure for you.

3. Live Healthier

One of the most popular New Year’s resolutions is to lose weight but the most popular resolution is to be healthy. As long as you’re making healthy choices, you can’t go wrong. It’s not about eating less and exercising until you fall over. Instead, keep track of what you’re eating and cut out the bad stuff. Once you’re making healthier choices, you’ll not only start looking better, you’ll also start feeling better. It also helps to get up and get moving each and every day. Start your morning off with a brisk walk to get your blood pumping before retreating indoors with a steaming cup of coffee.

We think you’re perfect just the way you are but if you want to be even more perfect, a New Year’s resolution is a great way to motivate yourself. What are your New Year’s resolutions? Share them with us on Facebook and in the comments!

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